Sunday, August 23, 2015

I Share my Name with a Christian Singer

       I like to listen to songs on Spotify. One day I typed in my first and middle name (Abigail Grace) into the search bar and found that there is a Christian singer who shares my name! Of course, being as curious as I am, I clicked on the songs, and found one that I really liked. It is called "Here is Our God." Now I wish I could show it to you via YouTube or something, but it must be quite new, since it is only on Spotify, unless you want to buy it via iTunes. I suggest you listen to it through Spotify if you have an account, though.
       Also, I looked up the lyrics, but they're nowhere to be seen. No even through Spotify. So I listened to the song piece by piece and wrote down the lyrics myself. This I can share with you, and so I will:

"Here is Our God"
by Abigail Grace

The earth and stars are bowing down to Christ
 Who is clothed in white
The glory is bestowed to him who died
So you may live
And he is coming soon
The clouds will rule back
Saints fall down to worship
The sovereign king
And we will dance and sing

Here is our God
Clothed in majesty
Here is our King
Who has set the captives free
Here is Jesus, our Savior
He has set us free from death

Alleluia all praise to Him
Our Redeemer who has washed our sin
Oh alleluia all praise to Him
Our Redeemer who has washed our sin
Oh alleluia all praise to Him
Our Redeemer who has washed our sin

Here is our God
Clothed in majesty
Here is our King
Who has set the captives free
Here is Jesus, our Savior
He has set us free from death

Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Government is Falling Apart

       Many people probably look at this title and exclaim, "What? Why would the government be falling apart?" Well, it certainly doesn't seem this way. But really, it is happening, again. First I want to talk about something everyone should know is wrong: murder. The Declaration of Independence says that every man has the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. So, since everyone has the right to life, murder is against this. It is wrong, it is evil, it is illegal. Yet, some people think it okay to kill. I'm talking about mothers. Not just any mothers, but mothers who are pregnant with a live human being inside their wombs, and think it okay to get rid of this being and throw him or her away. How should this be okay? From the moment of conception, this fetus lives. Within 18 days, this little being has heartbeat! Here is a clip from a website about the growth of a fetus:

       "Did You Know?  18 days a baby's heart begins to beat  43 days brain coordinates movement  7 weeks a baby can hiccup  8 weeks organs can function  9 weeks has permanent, individual fingerprints  10 weeks can feel pain  12 weeks a baby can smile, suck their thumb and make a fist  Over 2 million couples wait to adopt– including children of all races & those with special needs Any textbook will confirm what every doctor knows: LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION"--"Did You Know?" The Facts About Life (2012): Pro Life Across America. Web.

       So since this fetus lives and breathes, then how can it be okay to have an abortion? Maybe someone says, "Well an abortion is okay because it's not murder." Well, yes it is murder. The definition of murder is "the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another."--Google Dictionary  And one of the definitions of death is "the permanent ending of vital processes in a cell or tissue"--Google Dictionary Since at 18 days, this fetus has a heartbeat, then to physically stop this heartbeat, by abortion, is murder. By not letting these innocent babies have the right to Life, we are going against our Declaration of Independence that our Founding Fathers made for us. The U.S. Government is going against what its Founding Fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence! These Founding Fathers had to win the Revolutionary war against the British and they founded our government. So why are we going against this? This is not going to make our governmental system better, in fact it is destroying the system, not to mention millions upon millions of innocent lives! And we think this is okay! How can we be so cruel to think that any kind of murder to born or unborn can be okay? It can't.

       Some mothers might say, "It's my body, so I am allowed to do anything I need." Well this is a lie. It's not your body, it's the body of another human being. So no, you do not have the right to kill this being. This baby is in your body because you have been chosen to become his or her mother. That is an honor. It's a gift. Don't throw that gift away. This baby is a resemblance of you. He is your son. She is your daughter. If this daughter could speak, she would say, "Why are you going to kill me, Mommy?" Don't make your baby want to say this. Please...don't have an abortion. There is a better option. People are waiting to adopt. Don't throw your baby away.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

World Youth Day 2016


       I'm raising money so I can go to World Youth Day next year in Krakow, Poland! I have never been anywhere outside of the United States besides Peru, when I was nine. I'm excited, not only to be at World Youth Day and see Pope Francis, but also because I can visit Poland, which will be very special to me since I am somewhat Polish, my last name being Kalinowski. The fee is very high, but I have been doing a good job with fund raising, so I believe in myself.

Market Square in Krakow, Poland

Here is a prayer for all youths attending World Youth Day this year:

God, merciful Father, 
you have revealed your love in your Son, Jesus Christ, 
and poured it out upon us in the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, 
We entrust to you today the destiny of the world and of every human being." 
Entrust particularly 
of young people from all nations, peoples and languages. 
Keep them safely in the intricate paths of 
the contemporary world 
and give them the grace of a fruitful experience 
World Youth Day in Krakow.
Heavenly Father, 
make us witnesses of your mercy. 
Teach doubting, faith, 
hope resigned, 
love frigid, 
forgiveness and joy guilty sad. 
Let the spark of merciful love, 
which You lit in us, 
become a fire transforming people's hearts 
and renewing the face of the earth.
Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray for us. 
St. John Paul II, pray for us. 
Saint Sister Faustina, pray for us.