Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Special Love

        In one of my Religion classes I learned about the Holy Trinity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We know that God is the Father, and Jesus, the Son. Who is the Holy Spirit? A dove? No. The Holy Spirit is the love between the Father and the Son. And later, I realized, it's similar in a family! What I mean is, the husband and the wife love each other so they get married. Later, they start having children. Well, they could not have children if they did not love each other. So the child is the conclusion of the parents' love for each other. Which means that every child is the love between the mother and the father!
       We all need love. Without love, there would be no life. If we are the result of our parents' love, then without that love, we are nothing, we do not exist. Now, since we know we need love to exist, and we know that God, (as the Holy Spirit) is Love. Then the conclusion is that we need God to exist. It all comes down to that!
       We all need God. We do! People who think they can live without God are lying. "I don't need a God," one might say. Uh, yeah you do! Look, without God, there would be no world because He made it. There would be no people, no you, no food, no animals, no water, there would be nothing. Here is a clip from the movie "God's not Dead" that I would like to share with you about the existence of God: Click here

                                               We need love. God is love. We need God.
Here is a song that I really like about how we need God: Click here

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