Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mary of Nazareth

           In the book Mary of Nazareth by Federico Suarez, the author states, “Every life becomes a great and passionate adventure when God takes possession of a soul and when a soul is willing to cooperate fully with God…When we make our will one with the will of God, when we let God take  possession of us, life gains a purpose and is worth living.” This book is about Mary, the most perfect saint, and how we, ordinary sin-stained souls, can imitate her by being silent and still so we can hear God’s calling for our lives. Although Mary was conceived without sin, there is still hope for sinners like us.

            In the first chapter, Suarez talks about the Annunciation, when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and said that she would become the Mother of God. At first, Mary had doubts, for she was not married, and therefore could not conceive. But Gabriel said that with God, nothing is impossible. Mary’s reply was, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1: 38) As soon as Mary accepted her vocation to be the Mother of God, “the Word was made Flesh.” (John 1:14) Just as God had plans for her, He has unique plans for everyone else. We need to listen to Him and accept that vocation. Just think, what if Mary refused this vocation? Or what if she was too busy to stop and pray? Then Jesus would not have been born. All the miracles Jesus worked would never have happened, and all the lives He changed would never have changed. He would never have been crucified and never would have resurrected, and the gates of Heaven would never have been opened, all because of Mary’s ignorance. So since Mary did accept this vocation, all these wondrous things did happen.

            Great things are destined for everyone, which is why it is important for us to accept our vocation. However, before we can accept our vocation, we need to know what that vocation is. This is why it is important for us to listen to God: pray and meditate, stay silent and calm, and open our ears for Him. We need not only to hear Him, but we must also listen and understand what He says. Then we can accept and follow through.

            Part of God’s plan for us might be confusing and not make sense, but this is where we need to just obey without question, because God knows what is best for us. In the middle of chapter four, Suarez talks about how Mary obeyed without hesitation, so she is the perfect role model for us. After Jesus was born, Mary and Joseph took Him to the temple and since we do not know how long they stayed in Bethlehem, but maybe they got a house there, and maybe that is when the magi came. Mary must have been quite surprised when she heard their story and saw the gifts they brought for the Child. Suarez mentions that Mary probably went to sleep thinking of all these excitements and surprises of that day. Then she was awakened by Joseph, who told her they must flee into Egypt to get away from Herod, who desired the death of Jesus. How surprising this must have been to Mary! First she hears that Herod wants to come and kneel before her Son, and now he wants to kill Him. But Mary does not question. She gets up and follows Joseph into Egypt. This is just one of many examples of Mary’s humble and obedient self. 

Here is a really good song that I love: Click here

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