Friday, May 1, 2015

TV can be Convincing

       I am in North Carolina this week. I flew here on April 21st and I'm flying back home on May 9th. I'm visiting my aunt and two cousins, Tommy (2) and Penny (9mo.) I love being here, but what I want to mention is something about TV. My aunt and I watch Hallmark channel: movies, mysteries, and such. But on live shows (meaning not recorded) we get stuck listening to commercials. Commercials commercials. It's amazing how much people can believe what they see. Medications, weight loss programs, food, cosmetics, cars, etc.
       You know I'll bet that half of all the commercials I've ever seen were either about medicines or weight loss programs! A long time ago (Renaissance period specifically) people who were "plump" were admired, it meant that they had enough money to feed themselves. Skinny people were looked on as poor. Now it's upside-down.
       Well anyway, that's not even what I wanted to talk about today. (I'm a writer, sometimes my fingers take over and start typing on their own. :) What I wanted to talk about is a certain commercial that really bothers me. It is about an IUD. I do not know what that means, but I do know that whatever it is, it is something that women can get inserted to prevent pregnancy. Birth control. I feel bad for those who believe in it. I pray for those who use it.

Dear Lord, everyone has a light in their hearts. Some use it, some hide it, some don't even know it's there, and some don't even want to find out. Tell them of Your path, O God, and show them the Way. Please let Your Light shine through people so that they can see the Truth. Please also, let everyone see that life is beautiful. Because You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Amen.

Here is a song by Britt Nicole:Click here

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