Consider life in the early 1700's...colonial days. No electricity: no sewing machines, no washing machines, no electric stoves/ovens, no microwave ovens, no refrigerators, no dishwashers, no cars, no lightbulbs, no computers/TV's/iPods (etc.)
Then: 1752: the lightning rod, 1794: the cotton gin, 1833: the sewing machine, 1844: the telegraph, 1858: the burglar alarm, 1873: the typewriter, 1876: the telephone, 1879: the incandescent lightbulb, 1880: the hearing aid, 1888: the Kodak camera, 1889: the diswasher, 1892: gas-powered car, 1902: air conditioning, 1903: airplane, 1926: the rocket, 1927: the television, 1932: defribrillator, 1965: the minicomputer, 1972: the video game, 1983: the PC, 1999: the Apple iMac (slot loading), 2001: Apple iPod (1st generation)
Then come more generations of iPods and iMacs, then come the iPads and the iPod touchs and the iPhones and the iMac laptops and the tablets and the kindles and the cameras and the phones and the flat sceen TVs and the solar-powered stuff (etc.)
It started off slow, the inventing process did, then the 21st century BAM: in just a few short years, we have everything we have today. Every day, something new is invented. We already got to the iPhone 6 and the Tesla electric cars!
Technology is amazing and ever-growing. Just think: newspapers are so old-fashioned, we have news channels now. Dictionaries are no longer needed with Google and online Dictionaries. The internet is where most people get stuff from. If you want to learn something, look it up on the internet. Just imagine, the people who set up websites and such, someone somewhere learned that information
without the internet. What I mean is, the internet didn't just up and know everything. People have made websites and things of what they learned and put it on the internet for everyone to know. So, just think, the internet tells us, but who tells the internet? That's what I mean. History from before the Native Americans can be found online! The internet is amazing, isn't it?
God is like the internet. He is all-knowing. Only, He knows much more. He knows of not only the days of millions of years ago, He also knows of the days of millions of years to come! (The internet can not yet do that, now, can it?)
The internet is a great way to "advertise," because everyone sees it. That is why we need to advertise only good things, and stay away from bad advertisements. God has plan for everyone.
He has a certain mission for each person. That mission is found in the Bible. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus says, "Go therefore, into all nations, and make disciples of men." Our mission is to make disciples of men. Get everyone to follow Jesus. Evangelizing souls.
We can use the internet to do this. Actually, the reason for this blog is such. Many Catholic websites are available to access, for example: Catholic Online. Let's help to set the world on fire for Jesus and the Catholic Church. That reminds me of my favorite song by Britt Nicole: Set the World on Fire. What Britt says in this song is exactly what I am talking about now.
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Sources I used in coming up with the timeline of invention: